Almost everyone looks forward to getting a good night's sleep, but unfortunately, not everyone has the ability to obtain it. Experts recommend getting between seven to nine hours of sleep each night, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. For many, lower back pain can make it difficult to sleep well. It can cause you to toss and turn, looking for the best position to relieve some of the pain.
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If you are currently pregnant, you may find that your lower back aches quite frequently as your body goes through changes to accommodate your growing baby. If you suffer from sciatic back pain during this time, you may wonder if you have any means to find relief without putting your body or baby at risk in the process. Since pain medication should be avoided during pregnancy, alternative methods are desirable. Here are a few safe methods you can use to relieve sciatic pain during pregnancy.
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As a runner, it's important to do all that you can to guard against overexertion injuries. You make sure you wear the right shoes, you stretch before and after your runs, and you take it easy if you feel a niggling little pain. Chances are, however, that there is an important contributor to running injuries that you're overlooking: hip alignment. If your hips are not properly aligned, the strain on your joints won't be distributed evenly, leaving you phone to problems like IT band syndrome and runner's knee.
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Chiropractors often have a reputation associated with helping adults through back pain, but the reality is that many of these health practitioners have training that can benefit your child who's dealing with a health issue. While it's true that a child who suffers from back pain or neck pain can receive life-changing help from a chiropractor, its also worthwhile to note that there are many other reasons to book an appointment for your child.
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If you get headaches that are related to the neck pain you suffer from, there is a chance these are called cervicogenic headaches. Cervicogenic headaches are actually considered secondary headaches, because it is not the head causing them. They are actually caused by problems with your neck, and they can be treated through chiropractic care. Here are three things to know about these types of headaches.
They Can Seem Like Migraines
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